Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Early Civilization in the Eastern Hemisphere

Cave Paintings
Thousands of years ago, early people decorated cave walls with paintings like this one. No one knows for sure why people created cave paintings, but many historians think they were related to hunting.
These images were painted on the wall of a cave at Lascaux, France, some 16,000 years ago.

What do these images suggest about early life in the area near Lascaux?

*Use the RAD method

Scholars know little about the religious beliefs of early people. Archaeologists have found graves that included food and artifacts. Many scientists think these discoveries are proof that the first human religions developed during the Stone Age.

Reading CheckAnalyzing
What was one possible reason for the development of language?

Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and Places

a. Identify Who found the bones of Lucy?

b. Explain Why do historians need archaeologists and anthropologists to study prehistory?

a. Recall What is the scientific name for modern humans?

b.Make Inferences What might have been one advantage of walking completely upright?
#3 a. Recall What kind of tools did people use during the Paleolithic Era?

Design Design a stone and wood tool you could use to help you with your chores. Describe your tool in a
sentence or two.

#4 a. Define What is a hunter–gatherer?

b. Rank In your opinion, what was the most important change brought by the development of language?
Critical Thinking
Evaluating Review the notes in your chart on the advances made by prehistoric humans. Using a graphic organizer like the one here, rank the three advances you think are most important. Next to your organizer,write a sentence explaining why you ranked the advances in that order.

Interactive Graphic Organizer

Click Here For An Interactive Graphic Organizer

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